Saturday, December 25, 2010

Good Reading

Great write-up about the Death Ride 2010:

Christmas Ride

Managed to get on the bike today for a little while, first time in two weeks. It was a good day for it, road was dry, no wind. I started the kids watching a movie that we got for Christmas and went out while they were occupied. I could tell I hadn't been on the bike for a while. After a few miles I started to feel it and I only went for about 12 miles. I did keep my speed up pretty well until the last quarter of the ride, and I tried to push it up the few small hills. My shoe covers helped a lot as the temperature was 40 degrees.

This week, back to spin class every other day unless the weather stays good and then I will start to ride to work. Also, my wife got me "Insanity", a DVD workout program, I will add that in and see if it helps me get more speed and endurance. It's 60 days, so should get finished just in time for spring.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Hello and welcome to my attempt to complete the Death Ride. It's a one-day bike ride in the Sierra Nevadas which takes its participants over five mountain passes. For a map, see

I'm sure I don't have to tell you that something called Death Ride is difficult. It will definitely be the hardest physical activity I've ever done. I've done a climb up one mountain but not 5!

Here's a training schedule from previous participants:
1) Dec - Feb (Gym & Spinning, Sunday road rides whenever possible)
2) Mar (On the bike 3 days/week [continue this thru July], complete an 80 miler)
3) Apr (100 -140 miles per week, including a 100 miler, start hill training - Bogus once a week [continue thru July])
4) May (120 - 200 miles per week, including a 125 miler, lots of hills - 8-14 thousand feet per week
5) June (CHaFe150, Double Bogus, 120 - 200 miles per week, 12- 16 thousand feet per week)

I started work one week ago. So far, I've made it to spin class 4 times and been out on the road once. The problem with spin class is that have to be to work at 6:30. Spin class starts at 5:30, so I stay until 6:00. Then I rush to work, shower, and am ready to go at 6:35. I'd like to get to the gym by 5 am, but it hasn't happened yet.

My road ride wasn't much more productive. It was 26° outside and after a few miles my toes were so cold I had to turn back. I only went 10 miles.

This morning I should have gotten up for spin class but couldn't get out of bed, which is unfortunate because I could have stayed for the whole thing as I didn't have to be to work until 3 pm.

Other goals I have are: 1) to lose some weight, now at about 180 for a BMI of about 26; and 2) to do some running, including The Race to Robie Creek and maybe a full marathon like the Great Potato or St. George.

So I guess my plan, at least for the rest of the winter, would be get up 3 times a week for 1/2 hour of running from 5 to 5:30 am, followed by 1/2 hour of spin class or more when possible. Then maybe a long run or bike ride once or twice a week when conditions permit. Once the weather is better I'll be able to ride the bike reliably as I can ride to work most days, which will be about 12 miles each way. We'll see how well I can keep it up...